David L. Attanasio, Womble Bond Dickinson; Amanda Parra Criste, White & Case and Mónica Rodríguez Díaz, Holland & Knight. (Latinvex collage)
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Womble, Holland & Knight, Diaz Reus Hire
White & Case promotes three Latin America-focused lawyers to partners.
Dechert counsel has joined Womble Bond Dickinson’s Business Litigation Practice as a partner in Washington, DC.; White & Case has promoted three Latin America-focused lawyers to its partnership; Holland & Knight has hired a senior policy advisor in the firm’s regulatory and government affairs practice in Mexico City and a Venezuelan native has joined Diaz Reus as an associate in the firm’s litigation practice in Miami.
Keywords: Diaz Reus, Holland & Knight, White & Case, Womble Bond Dickinson