Latin America Insurance: Citigroup Growth Leader
The winners and losers among local, foreign and US insurers in Latin America.
US-based Citigroup was among the two top growth winners in Latin American insurance last year, according to a Latinvex analysis of data from LatinoInsurance, an Internet provider of technical and financial information for the insurance, pensions and health markets in Latin America.
The insurance market in Latin America saw growth improve last year compared to the previous year. All in all, premiums in the region grew…
Company Keywords: AIG, Assurant, Berkley, Chubb,Citigroup, MetLife, NY Life, PALIG, Prudential, Starr
Coountry Keywords: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua
Latin America’s Top 100 Insurers (2023): The Ranking
Latin America’s Top 100 Insurers (2023): Winners & Losers
Latin America’s Top 100 Insurers (2023): Top US Companies
Latin America’s Top 100 Insurers (2023): Top Foreign Companies
Latin America’s Top 100 Insurers (2023): Foreign Insurer Winners