Latham & Watkins secured an ICSID win for Colombia regarding a ban on mining in the páramos, a rare and extremely fragile ecosystem in the Colombian Andes. (Photo: Colombia’s Environment Ministry)

Latham & Watkins International Arbitration Practice partners Fernando Mantilla-Serrano and Samuel Pape. (Latham collage)
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Latham & Watkins Secures Colombia Victory Against Canada Miner
White & Case advises settlement of Dutch company dispute with Mexico.
Latham & Watkins has secured a win for the Republic of Colombia at the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in a case brought by Canadian junior mining company Montauk Metals Inc.; White & Case advised Consolidated Water Coöperatief, U.A. (the Dutch subsidiary of Consolidated Water Co. Ltd.) in successful negotiations with Mexico to settle claims brought by Consolidated Water under a bilateral investment treaty between Mexico and the Netherlands.
Keywords: Arbitration & Litigation, Colombia, ICSID, Latham & Watkins, Mexico, White & Case