Clifford Chance Advises Sabesp Privatization
Cleary, Latham, Simpson, Squire Patton Boggs advise LatAm offers.
Clifford Chance has advised the $2.7 billion privatization of Brazilian water and waste management company Sabesp through a public offer of shares; Squire Patton Boggs Peña Prieto Gamundi advised the $940 million financing for the Dominican Republic’s main airport concessionaire Aerodom (which included a $500 million offer); Cleary Gottlieb and Simpson Thacher advised the $460 million offer from Chilean-Brazilian airline LATAM, which marked its return to the New York Stock exchange after four years; Cleary Gottlieb advised the $490 million offer from Argentina-based Transportadora de Gas del Sur; Latham & Watkins advised the $400 million offer from Portugal-based Omni Helicopters, which bills itself as Latin America’s largest provider of vertical air mobility and delivery solutions; Arnold & Porter advised Brazil’s $2 billion offer and A&O Shearman advised Telecom Argentina’s $500 million offer.
Keywords: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cleary Gottlieb, Clifford Chance, Dominican Republic, Latham & Watkins, Simpson Thacher, Squire Patton Boggs