Cleary Gottlieb represented the Republic of Uruguay’s $1.3 billion offer. Here capital Montevideo. (Photo: Intendencia de Montevideo)

Juan Giráldez, Francesca Odell and Manuel Silva, Cleary Gottlieb. (Latinvex collage)
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Cleary Gottlieb Advises LatAm Offers
Firm advises Petrobras, YPF, Pampa Energia and BBVA Mexico offers.
Cleary Gottlieb represented the Republic of Uruguay’s $1.3 billion offer; Brazilian state oil company Petrobras’s offer; the dealers in BBVA México’s $600 million offer; Argentine state oil company YPF $500 million offer and Argentine private energy company Pampa Energía’s $410 million offer.
Keywords: Argentina, Brazil, Capital Markets, Cleary Gottlieb, Mexico, Uruguay