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Cleary Gottlieb and Latham & Watkins advised on Spanish telecommunications giant Telefónica’s $1.25 billion sale of its Argentine unit to Telecom Argentina. (Photo: Pedro Canton)
Tony Del Pino, Carlos Ardila, Ignacio Pallarés, Guido Liniado and Santiago Bejarano, Latham & Watkins. (Latinvex collage)
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Argentina: Cleary, Latham & Watkins Advise Telefonica Deal

White & Case, Linklaters advise Brazil mining, paint deals.


Cleary Gottlieb and Latham & Watkins advised Spanish telecommunications giant Telefónica’s $1.25 billion sale of its Argentine unit to Telecom Argentina; White & Case advised China-based MMG Limited on its purchae of UK-based Anglo American’s nickel business in Brazil for $500 million and Linklaters advised Germany-based BASF in connection with the sale of its Brazilian decorative paints business Suvinil to US-based Sherwin-Williams for $1.15 billion in an all-cash transaction.

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Keywords: Argentina, Brazil, Cleary Gottlieb, Latham & Watkins, Linklaters, M&As, White & Case

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